10 interesting facts about human behavior:
1. Illusion of Transparency: You think people notice your feelings more than they actually do.
2. Spotlight Effect: You believe everyone sees your mistakes, but most don’t.
3. Zeigarnik Effect: You remember unfinished tasks better than completed ones.
4. Mere Exposure Effect: Seeing something often makes you like it more.
5. Dunning-Kruger Effect: People who know less often think they know more.
6. Ben Franklin Effect: Helping someone makes you like them more.
7. Optimism Bias: You think bad things are less likely to happen to you.
8. Sunk Cost Fallacy: You stick with something because you’ve already invested in it.
9. Pratfall Effect: Smart people seem more relatable when they make small mistakes.
10. Temporal Discounting: You want smaller rewards now instead of bigger ones later.
